Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


Venues where Charpentier's Music was Performed

The Carmelites of the rue du Bouloy (or Bouloir): The queen’s funeral,1683 

My comments on Jean Duron’s depiction of the queen’s funérailles

Carmelites of the rue de Bouloy: The nuns’ gossip

Notre Dame de la Mercy: The complete version of my article “‘Il y a aujourd’huy musique à la Mercy,’ Mademoiselle de Guise and the Mercédaires of the rue du Chaume,”

Notre Dame de la Mercy: My reconstruction of the Mercy church

Notre Dame de la Mercy: Office for Notre Dame de la Mercy, approved March 18, 1679

Notre Dame de la Mercy: My notes on the Ceremoniale of the Order of the Mercy and Redemption of Captives

The Theatines of Ste-Anne-la-Royale: Charpentier, Lorenzani and the Theatines

The Jesuits: Was Charpentier's "Messe à 8 voix" (H. 3) written for the Canonization of Francesco Borgia, January 1672?

The Abbey of Montmartre: 1675: Madame de Toscane comes to reside at Montmartre, and Charpentier begins writing oratorios 

For an over-view of the chapels associated with Mlle and Mme de Guise, see also The “regular” life of two devout princesses and how it shaped Charpentier’s music

The Duke of Orléans' princely residence at Saint-Cloud: Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s “Petite Pastorale” (H.479), October 5, 1676

Sainte-Chapelle: Charpentier and Chaperon (Chapperon), masters at the Sainte-Chapelle (information gleaned from Chapperon’s death inventory)