Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


Guise activities, 1674

Return to list of activities, year by year

The sources are not very eloquent about 1674, aside from the Mercy's organs, about which I wrote in the Charpentier Bulletin, and about the theater, about which I have decided not to comment here. Thus there is no explanation of the sources for this year.


January The Mercy borrows 1500 livres to purchase an organ and renovate it
March-June Numerous Te Deums to celebrate royal victories
March 29 The Mercy obtains an organ and prepares to have it repaired
April 14-21 Canonization octave for St. Pierre Pascual at the Mercy, in presence of Mlle de Guise and Mme de Guise. (Mme de Guise did not join the court as early as planned, doubtlessly in order to attend these services.)
May 4 The Malade Imaginaire is revived, with the appropriate "défenses"
June 1 Robert Cambert's musicians return to France
July Harlay de Chanvallon approves the display of the St. Sacrement during the four principal feasts of the Mercy
August 21 The Malade Imaginaire is performed at Versailles
August 25 Te Deum at Notre Dame in presence of King, Dauphin and Mme de Guise (Note: it was St. Louis's Day)
October Mme de Guise has been at court for several months
October 10 Redemption of captives at the Mercy
October 12 The actors decide to prepare Circé
October 19 The actors revive Le Malade Imaginaire
October The actors perform Le Malade Imaginaire at court (?)
November 25 Mme de Guise and her close friend in devotion, the Queen, receive plenary indulgences from the Cordeliers (the Franciscans with whom Mme's late mother had been in close contact)