Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources

Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Theorist

A recently discovered autograph treatise is very revealing of Charpentier's theoretical thinking in the years immediately preceding his death. In addition, details in diverse pieces shed light on how he conveyed rhetoric through musical notation. I intend to look more closely at the latter question in the days to come!

Musical notation

A dot at the beginning of a musical measure: What did it mean for Marc-Antoine Charpentier?

Manuscript "XLI"

Discovered at the Lilly Library: manuscript “XLI,” an autograph theoretical work by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (late 1698)

Whose handwriting is this?

Does anyone recognize the hand of the person who owned the Charpentier autograph treatise, circa 1710?

Click on this small picture, for an enlarged image of a page from the manuscript treatise called Traité d'accompagnement, As the final section of my presentation of manuscript "XLI" shows, this unidentified person knew Marc-Antoine Charpentier personally and exchanged ideas with him, probably during the 1690s.