Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


New Pages!

As soon as we begin publishing new webpages, we will provide links to them here.

Orest's New Pages (post-January 2015)

Article: La Gloire selon Louis de Sacy

Orest's De Thou Studies has been posted! (January 21, 2015).

Review: Heyer, John Hajdu, The Lure and Legacy of Music at Versailles

Patricia's New Pages (post-January 2015)

1495: un débat à propos de la réparation de la "forteresse" de Panat

Mme de Guise would to go to Paris when the court went to Marly: but she apparently did not do that prior to 1688

Sources, Fugitive Pieces and Factlets

D’Azémar, d’Adémar: how some dusty documents turned a young grenadier
into a count and courtier
(The story of how the d'Adhémars of Montfalcon, La Garinie and Panat proved their ancient nobility in the 1760s)

A Factlet on grand deuil

A Factlet on funeral trappings: The funeral decorations at the royal necropolis of Saint-Denis went to the monks

Un "instrument public" à propos d'une dispute sur la réparation des fortifications de Panat (1495)

Some photos: Fenêtres, Portes et Pierres de Panat, 1970-1980
... à comparer avec celles de Clairvaux, prises à la même époque