Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


French Speech Patterns and Baroque Music

Patricia's annoyance with certain pseudo-pronunciations has abated, at least temporarily. Here are some older pages that are still relevant:

The pronunciation of French in seventeenth-century France

How was the vowel sound “OI” pronounced in seventeenth-century France?

La musique Françoise”: should it be pronounced like the woman’s name?

Scipion Dupleix and the pronunciation of “OI” (1651)

More on "OI" and how it was pronounced by non-rustics, circa 1680: the abbess of Montmartre pronounced it like an “AI” — that is, “eh”

The pronunciation of Latin in seventeenth-century France

An addendum to my book on Jean Le Clerc and the pronunciation of French vulgar Latin