Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


Guise Activities, 1677

Return to list of activities, year by year

January Mme de Guise is at court for Carnival season
February 8 Mlle de Guise organizes a gala lunch with dancing
February 15? (or perhaps Feb. 20) Monsieur, the king and the queen attend lunch at the Hôtel de Guise after visit to the Foire Saint-Germain
March Harlay de Chanvallon has ordered prayers for Louis XIV in all the churches of Paris (which of course includes the Mercy, the Theatines, the Jesuits...
March 6 Mlle de Guise's daughter takes the veil at Montmartre
March 3-25 Jubilee by Queen and Dauphin, who visit every church , including the Grand Carmel on March 23.
March 12 Mme de Toscane lunches with Mlle de Guise, then visits Mme de Guise at Luxembourg
March 20 Mme de Toscane again lunches with Mlle de Guise, then does a "station "of the jubilee with Mme de Guise
March 22 A sacre at the Jesuit Noviciate
March-June Goibault du Bois is very ill and bedridden
April 2? or April 5? Service at Charonne for late Dowager of Orleans
April Various Te Deums sung in Paris
April 10 Monsieur and Madame visit Montmartre, surely for tenebrae
April 11 Mme de Guise and the queen wash the feet of the poor
April 22 Te Deum for Cambrai. Mme de Guise and the queen visit the Carmelites of the rue du Bouloir, then attend a ball at the Hôtel de ville
June-July 16 (and beyond) Mme de Guise is in bed with a high fever at Luxembourg (a recurrence of her malaria?). Prayers to Sainte-Geneviève.
July The talents of Mlle "Jacquier" (Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, sister of future Guise musician, Anne Jacquet), age 10, cause a stir at court
July 19 Suspecting poison in Pierre Dalibert's death, the investigators working on the Poison Affair question Belleguise, his "caissier." (Dalibert was the uncle of Jacques II Dalibert, the Roman impresario.)
July 19 Mme de Guise still has her fever
August German gentlemen visit Montmartre and bring music to be performed
Late August or September 9? Mme de Toscane would prefer to be at Montmartre for the "coming feast of Virgin" but is invited to court
September 10 Mme de Guise probably is at court with Mme de Toscane, though her name isn't mentioned, which could mean that she was still weak from fever
October 15 The queen goes to Carmelites of rue du Bouloir for the feast of St. Theresa, but Mme de Guise isn't mentioned and may still be ill
November Mme de Toscane begins to work very hard on harpsichord; but no reference to lessons at Montmartre, so they must take place at Hôtel de Guise each week.
December 6 Mme de Guise is at court, but plans to return to Paris soon
December 26 Louis XIV goes to Montmartre (this is Mme de Guise's birthday!)