Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


Guise Activities, 1681

Return to list of activities, year by year

Charpentier is now composer to the Dauphin: the numerous events highlighted in purple correspond to pieces in the Mélanges that seem to have been written for the heir to the throne.


  New confraternity at Saint-Sulpice, Mme de Guise's parish: "l'Humilité de Jésus, Marie et Joseph."
January 13 The Grande Mademoiselle finally wins her lawsuit with Mlle de Guise.
February 20 The Dauphin and Dauphine come to Paris to see an opera at M. Malo's residence.
February 23 First performance of La Pierre philosophale with music by Charpentier.
March 15 A Jubilee by the king during Holy Week
March Mme de Guise is at court (and therefore for Easter Sunday) and seems to have been there for some time.
March (?) Centennial year for the Jesuits.
April 23 The actors are preparing La Noce de village.
April-May The Dauphine spends two weeks at Saint-Cloud.
May 3-17  Charpentier goes to Versailles with the actors, to perform Les foux divertissants before the king (May 10) and L'Inconnu (May 17).
June 5 Corpus Christi procession at Versailles, with a magnificent reposoir in the grand staircase
June 12 Procession of the "Petite Fête-Dieu" in the presence of the Dauphin and Dauphine.
July 6 The actors go to Saint-Cloud to perform Les foux divertissants for Monsieur.
July 22 First performance of a revived Endimion with music by Charpentier.
July Mme de Guise greets the procession of captives redeemed by the Mercy.
July 28-September 30 The court is at Fontainebleau, then at Chambord.
September 26 Louis XIV listens to an opera by Lorenzani.
September 30-October 14 Louis XIV starts off for Alsace to receive Strasbourg's "submission."
October 9 Revival of Le Malade imaginaire.
November Court life has resumed at Versailles.
November The Poison Affair still raises the possibility of being arrested.
December 25 Mme de Guise is in Paris.
December 29 Charpentier is a Versailles, where they are preparing the ceremony for the Order of the Holy Spirit, and he is forced to return to Paris for a performance of L'Inconnu.