Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


Guise Activities, 1684

Return to list of activities, year by year


February 17 Four musicians sent by the Duke of Bavaria reach Paris: protected by the Dauphine, they will study French music and dance.
March 27? Monsieur and Madame attend tenebrae services at Montmartre.
May Mlle de Guise and a Lorraine of Harcourt are plotting about exchanging the duchy of Guise.
May The king and the Dauphin are at Cambrai.
June Death of Mme de Richelieu.
June Mme de Guise is at Alençon.
June 14 Te Deum for the conquest of Luxembourg.
July The Duke of Richelieu remarries.
August Bout de l'An for the queen; end of official mourning.
August 29 Richelieu and his bride organize a fete at Rueil for Monsieur.
October-November 15 The court is at Fontainebleau for the hunt; plays and operas are once again being performed.
November Armand-Jean de Riants receives a royal pension upon retiring.
December The Bavarian musicians are performing at court.
December 24-25 Mme de Guise is at Montmartre.