Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


"French" cahiers for 1683  

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For the early 1680s it is difficult to assert that all works for "hd, d, b and 2 tr" in the "French" notebooks were performed only by the Guise Music. Could they not have been "loaned," so to speak, to the Dauphin? That said, I mark them in blue, the color of Mlle de Guise. The "hc" highlighted in red suggests a work sung by Charpentier. (The fact that this haute-contre sang in August 1683 suggests that Charpentier had recuperated from his summer-long illness. Note how compositions for Montmartre more or less ceased after the Abbess became ill in October 1682 and died in December.


Cahier 37

H 187 Fundamenta ejus in montibus sanctis (ps. 86)
Thursday and Friday matins; matins of Circumcision (Jan. 1), Conception (Dec. 8), Epiphany (Jan. 6), Transfiguration (Aug. 6); little office of Virgin; dedication of a church.
H. 407 Dialogue inter esurientem sitentem et Christem
This follows directly upon H 187, which suggests that the two works for a rather atypical combination of voices were written for the same devotional event.

Cahier 38

H 331 Luctus de morte augustissimae Mariae Theresiae reginae Galliae  (August 17-23)
"Motet pour le service de Marie Thérèse, reine de France," which uses a text by Portes. (May have been reused for the Mercy service of September 13.)  For the Guise male trio?
H 332 In honorem Sancti Ludovici Regis Galliae (August 25) "Motet pour St Louis," which uses virtually the same text as the one in cahier 22 of 1679. Forms a pair with H. 331 and probably was performed at the same event. For the Guise male trio?
H 471 Orphée descendant aux enfers For the Guise male trio?
H 252 Elévation: O coelestis Jerusalem For the Guise male trio?

Cahier 39

H 190 Dixit Dominus 8 vocibus et totidam instr. (ps. 109)
Sunday vespers; feasts of the Virgin; little office of the Virgin; Corpus Christi. Could it have been used for the annual Guise service for the Holy Sacrement at Saint-Jean-en-Grève?
H 253 O Amor, élévation à 2 dessus et une basse chantante
"Son pr
est au cahyer LVIII à 2," which seems to date from the 1690s, as do the indications for transposing the piece for male voices.

Cahier 40

H 191 Lauda Jerusalem (ps. 147) (September?) for a large ensemble
Saturday prime; vespers of the Conception (Dec. 8), Circumcision (Jan. 1), Corpus Christi, common of Virgin, dedication of a church