Louis-Joseph de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, died in July 1671, leaving a widow (Isabelle d'Orleans) and infant son (Franois-Joseph de Lorraine, Duke of Alençon), who died in early 1675. In the notarial records that follow, we see Marie de Lorraine — as one of the guardians of the infant Duke (who was her great-nephew) — tending to the child's business affairs. After the child's death, Marie de Lorraine became Duchess of Guise. From mid-1675 on we therefore watch her overseeing her own possessions and, in addition, settling the debts of her parents, her brother, her nephew, and her great-nephew.
XCIX, 250, procuration, 19 February 1672, Mme de Guise and Mlle de Guise and J.B Colbert, guardians of Alençon,, and Joncoux... to Pierre Hannequin sieur de Chantal, who is to act for them and receive revenues in domaines of duché de Guise, comté de Ribemont, chastellanie d'Irson, baronnie de Rumigny, seigneurie d'Aubanton, chastellenie d'Aguy et Vatefal.
XCIX, 250, bail, 19 February 1672, the guardians of Alençon to Jean Le Clerc, bourgeois de Paris, rue St. Honoré, who at the moment is in the city of Guise.... all the rights to the seigneuries mentioned in the procuration of same date ... for 25,000 lt per year.
XCIX, 250, vendition, 20 February 1672, Mlle de Guise to Baltasard Phelyppeaux de Chateauneuf... a house in the bourg de Saint Germain en Laye en la grande rue qui conduit de l'eglise à la Croix cy devant appellée l'hostel de Guise, contenant deux travées et un batiment au derriere apliquez à chambres et autour appartemens et deppendanct d'icelle maison, jardin, ..., icelle maison à sadite Altesse au moyen du delaissement qui luy en a esté faict par Jacqueline Boutot, veuve d'Henry Rousseau tant en son nom et portant fort de Jean Maguier, bourgeois de Guise et Françoise Rousseau sa femme, fille et seulle heritiere de Henry Rousseau.... before Manchon, 24 May 1666. For 4,000 lt, starting today.
XCIX, 250, procuration, 17 March 1672, the guardians of Alençon to Zacarie Borthon, receveur general des fermes royales en Languedoc, to handle their affaires in duchy of Joyeuse.
XCIX, 251, transaction, 9 April 1672, Mlle de Guise and Augustin de Longchamps, bourgeois de Caen, formerly her commis à la recepte des domaines of Caen, Bayeux and Falaise, ... a lot of problems about final accounting here.
XCIX, 251, quittance, 24 April, 1672, Zacharie Borton, another of those longstanding Duke Henry issues.
XCIX, 251, vente de bois, 24 April 1672, Mlle de Guise and Jean Rossignol, bourgeois de Paris, for wood in the domaine of Roquemore... and cautionnement by Borthon for him.
XCIX, 251, quittance, 30 April 1672, Dlle Marguerite de Mornay, fille jouissante de ses droits, demeurant à l'hotel de Guise....cy devant une des fille d'honneur de S.A. Mademoiselle de Guise, has received from Mlle de Guise 6,300 lt "scavoir six mil livres que S.A. a volontairement accordé à ladite de Mornay pour luy donner des marques de sa bonne volonté, et 300 lt pour une demie année de ses appointemens, ending next June 30.... [Could this be Margot???]
XCIX, 251, procuration, 11 May 1672, Mlle de Guise to Leonor Le Brun, avocat in Parlt, who has authority to go to Montresor and see that the contract before Bouret, 20 Nov. 1671 is carried out, and make new leases for the domain
XCIX, 252, transaction, 6 July 1672, Mlle de Guise and heirs of late François Ada, concierege of the chateau of Marchais, and Catherine Adam, wife of Nicola Fouju, bourgeois de Paris, rue Chapon, and Henry de Maulouet, avocat in Parlement, procureur fiscal of principauté of Joinville, husband of Charlotte Adam... and Simon Leschassier, avocat du Roy au grenier à sel de Joinville, and his wife Genevive Adam... which involves an agreement made with Me Pierre Le Brun [the painter's grandfather!] demeurant audit chateau... Mlle de Guise currently wants to sell the furniture at Marchais and must settle the contract she earlier passed with Adam.
XCIX, 252, quittance, 7 July 1672, Adrian le Jongleur, charpentier ... for ouvrages de charpenterie faites on hotel de Guie, per sentence involving Henry de Lorraine.
XCIX, 252, quittance, 5 August 1672, Nicolas Cheron dict Sacy, cy devant palfrenier of late Duke of Guise, dernier decedé, rue and paroisse St. Nicolas des Champs, half of the 75 lt due him for the pension viagere granted him by the tutelle.... [He may be a Carlier relative]
XCIX, 252, quittance, 13 August, 1672, Besset on behalf of Jean Branjon, sr Duplessis, demeurant ordinairement at Menagerie of Vincennes ... heir of 1/4 of estate of Jean Branjon, surgeon and premier valet of Duke of Guise ... and also 1.4 of estate of Bonaventure Branjon, payer des rentes of hotel de ville, heir to 2/4 of Jean's estate.. 269 lt, for pension, nourriture, etc.
XCIX, 252, quittance, 3 September 1672, Guillaume Desauzieres, me peintre, demeurant sur le pont ND, paroisse St Gervais, half to be paid by Mme de Guise and half by Mlle de Guise: (ie, the two tuteurs of Alençon, Joncoux and Le Brun) .... "872 lt remaining on the 1316 lt due for "les ouvrages de peinture par luy faicte tant en l'hostel de Guise... qu'en l'hostel d'Angoulesme at St. Germain during the yeras 1669 and 1670.
XCIX, 252, quittance, 6 September 1672, Genevieve Boursier, widow of Me Leonard Gobin, l'un de secretaires de leurs altesse de Guise, of rue St. Avoie, to settle the 400 remaining on the 1200 lt due on the 1800 lt that Mlle de Guise owed her on behalf of late Louis Joseph de Guise, due from 1668 (before Bouret, 20 Dec. 1668)
XCIX, 252, quittance, 13 September 1672, Jean Lunot, barbier perruquier, for 660 lt du him from the tutelle of Alencon for "sept perruques fornies pour le service de feu Henry de Lorraine duc of Guise... back in 1664.
XCIX, 253, quittance, 1 October 1672, Nicolas Labbé, bourgeois de Paris, for 6 months of the 100 lt pension he receives.
XCIX, 253, procuration, 13 October 1672, Mlle de Guise to Etienne Grand de Teillac, seigneur de la Forest, for 3 years, to sell wood by auction in the domaine of Montresor [Fr. de Bourdeilles is dead by now...]
XCIX, 253, quittance, 15 October 1672, to guardians by Esprit Dominiy, former chef d'office of Duke Henry
XCIX, 253, quittance, 15 October 1672, Nicolas Cheron, cy devant premier palfrenier de l'ecurie of late duke of Guise, for installment on his 300 lt per year pension
XCIX, 253, indemnité, 20 October 1672, Mlle de Guise declares that Jean-Francois Le Brun, her treasurer, was acting on her orders in January 1665 when Le Brun "s'est ingeré en la compte des biens et effets en la succession of Henry de Guise" along with her, Mlle de Guise. Mlle de Guise promised at that time to indemniser Le Brun envers SAR Mademoiselle ....She wants him to continue acting for her; and, 22 October 1672, she gives him a procuration to collect all money due the late Louis Joseph; and the same day a second procuration to go to Marchais and supervise the sale of wood there, per auction, and to work on the accounts with the heirs of late François Adam.
XCIX, 253, indemnité, 13 December 1672, Mlle de Guise promises to indemnify Jean François de la Planche, coner du roy, tresorier general of his batimens, for the saisy faite en ses mains à la requeste de Hubert Misson [or Missey?], sculteur ordinaire du Roy sur sadite Altesse Mlle de Guise pour seureté des sommes deub par exploit de Jean Le Noir, sergent à verge, in February 1670..
XCIX, 254, quittance, 2 January 1673, Esprit Dominiy, former chef d'office of Henry de Lorraine, receives from Guise administration 50 lt for a quarter of his "gages", ending Dec. 31 1672, on the 200 lt pension he has been granted by Duke d'Alençon's councillors.
XCIX, 254, compromis, 7 January 1673, Mlle de Guise and Jean Dorbay over the masonery work done at the hotel de Guise, with Pierre Thevenot, royal entrepreneur as arbitre.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 10 January 1673, Claude Trusson, bourgeois de Paris of rue de la Verrerie, receives from Alençon tuteurs 60 lt pour avoir fait balaier autour de l'hostel de Guise during the last 6 months of 1672.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 21 January 1673, Geneviefve Robbe, widow of Gerard Benoise, tresorier of late Duke Henry, has received from tutors 1500 lt due her from the estate of Henry.
XCIX, 254, transaction, 21 February 1673, "Cause des pretentions du terre d'Ault." About the bail for the ferme generale d'Ault of 1669, " with an evocation of "son Altesse d'heureuse memoire" (Louis Joseph?), signed by Gaillard. At bottom, Mlle de Guise and Jacques Galland, fermier general of the terre d'Ault, to settle their disagreement, Mlle de Guise agrees to pay him 900 lt.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 23 February 1673, Magdelaine de Lassus, widow of Zacarie de Beauvais, marchand de vin and bourgeois de Paris, rue L'orme, heir of her mother, Nicolle La Biy, widow at time of her death of Richard Des Aulnois, rotisseur of Paris, François Bocquet, marchand traiteur, living in Rome (!), and Elisabeth Des Aulnois, his wife, and Jacques de Laguy, rotisseur and Philippe Desaulnois his wife....re money due the late Aulnois from estate of Henry: 2,513 lt.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 4 March 1673, Conseil of Duke of Alençon agrees to pay Claude Hourlier, who represents his relatives, one of them at St. Quentin and the other, Philippe Hourlier de Genneval, demeurant ordinairement at Guise, money due him on a contract with the Guises passed at Guise in Nov. 1662.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 11 March 1673, Nicolas Dumets, cy devant clerc de feu Monsieur de Gomont, advocat in Parlement, and of Monseigneur the duc d'Alençon and of SA Mlle de Guise, has received 200 lt for unspecified reason.
XCIX, 254, quittance, 24 March 1673, from Gabriel Fonteau, me charon of Paris, 520 lt due him per a contract with late Henry of Guise.
1675 (yes: I do not recall why, but there is a gap in my notarial sondages)
March 1675: Death of the Duke of Alençon; Mlle de Guise becomes Duchess of Guise
LXXV, 176, obligation, 8 July 1675, Sebastien François Delaplanche, tresorier geeral des batimens et jardins de SM..certifie que Mlle de Guise "m'a remis ez mains le contrat de vente fait au profit du Roy de l'hostel de Guise, sis à Versailles, avec sa quittance" for the sum of 60,000 lt... Today, Mlle de Guise has reconnu that the sr de la Marteniere, au nom et comme tresorier de SAR Mme de Guise, received from Sr Le Brun, Mlle de G's treasurer, the sum of 82,449 lt, 8 S, 5 D, ... conformement ausdit certificat and quittance.. Cites an act before Bouret, 8 July 1675: Actually, there was only 1386 lt and poussiere exchanged, to make the total sum. Both Isabelle and Marie sign it.
XCIX, 266, quittance, 8 October 1675, Mlle de Guise to Nicolas Le Febvre, bourgeois de Paris, 4,100 lt, one of her créanciers.
XCIX, 266, transaction, 8 October 1675, Mlle de Guise and Etienne Guercy, former procureur au Parlement, "qui avoit succedé à l'office et pratique de feu Me Jean Mutel, procureur au Parlement. who had rights on Guillaume Verrier, also procureur in Parlement. There are "difficultés qui se montrent dans la taxe et liquidation des frais, salaires et vacations que S.A. Mlle de Guise... was sentenced to pay in 1674, as tuteur of Alençon, The men had worked for the "Maison de Guise" on matters concerning the navigation of the Oise as far back as the 1650s.
XCIX, 266, procureur, 6 October 1675, Mlle de Guise to Jacques Gaillard sr de Senonville, who will be her receveur for Guise ...; and another to Jean Cocquille, who will take care of the justice ordinarire of duché of Guise, and also the seigneuries of Rumigny, Aubenton, Irson and Nouvion [This means Mlle de Guise did indeed "rule" the area -- specifically, Nouvion --- that musician Carlier’s family came from.]
XCIX, 266, fondation, 29 December 1675, Mlle de Guise and the provincial of the order of the Carmes dechaussés of the province of Paris, and other Carmes, tous establi à St Germain des Pres, et "stipulant pour leur couvent du desert de Notre Dame du Ferours nouvellement establi proche la ville de Louviers, diocese d'Evreux,. and, "pour satisfaire à l'intention qu'elle a depuis lontems de faire une fondation audit couvent de Nostre Dame de Ferours, de 20 messes basses par chacun an à perpetuité pour estre dites et celebrées en l'eglise de Nostre Dame du Desert, scavoir 12 messes basses de requiem pour le repos de l'ame de defunt Monseigneur Josef Louis de Lorraine duc de Guise, neveu de S.A., et les huit autres à l'intention de S.A. Mademoiselle de Guise et de S.A. Madame l’abbesse de Montmartre, sa seur, pendant leur vie, et apres leur deces pour le repos de leurs ames, to start 1 Jan... She has already given them 600 lt and will now give them 400 lt more, to total 1000 lt.
XCIX, 266, vente de bois, 28 December 1675, Mlle de Guise to Jacques Hacqueteau, seigneur d'Orvilliers, Marie Hacqueteaux, of rue Michel le Comte...who were "heirs of Charles de Lorraine, duc de Guise, and they have the right to cut a certain amount of wood in the forest of Guise.... a very complicated affair.
XCIX, 267, procuration, 7 January 1676, Mlle de Guise ...who is called "comtesse de Montresor" ... to Zacharie Borthon, agent of affairs in Languedoc...
XCIX, 267, desistement et mainlevée, 15 March, 1676, Mlle de Guise desists from the sommation faite à sa requeste par leguedois, sergent, 14 September 1675, aux heritiers de feu me Bernard Chazot, receveur general des finances in generalité de Caen, over 12,000 lt she claimed were due her from arrerages due her late mother.... Nicolas Doublet was currently the receveur... [i.e., at the time Sébastien de Brossard came to Paris].
XCIX, 267, indemnité and donation, 6 March 1676, Mlle de Guise ... "pour la gloire de Dieu, l'affection particuliere qu'elle à pour l'eglise des saintz martires depandant de l'abbaye de Montmartre, dont est abbesse madame de Montmartre, soeur de sadite Altesse.".. she is going to spend the money necessary "pour la construction d'un portail de lad. eglise, logemens au dessus qui sont parloirs, cabinetz et du pavillon joignant la porte de l'entrée de la cour de lad. abbaye, par laquelle construction a esté fait marché entre madite dame de Montmartre , les officiers de lad. abbaye et Hervé Thevenot, entrepreneur des bastimens du Roy, ... for 20,000 lt. dated 12 May 1675. The nuns had borrowed the money from various people: François Herbinot, coner au Chatelet, 14,000 lt, Anthoine Guyet, coner du roy, maitre ordinarie de la chambre des comptes, 6,000 lt. before Le Secq de Launay, 11 and 27 Jan. 1676.. So Mlle de Guise, makes a "donation entre vifs pure et simple" . At the time, the nuns are: Renée de Seve, prieure, Marguerite Langois, prieur des ss Martires, Marie Fillandre, prieure du cloistre, Charlotte de Chaulnes, prieure du cloistre des martires and secretary of the chapitre, Louyse de Morges, portiere, Marie Magdeleine de Hames, celeriere, Elisabeth Aymeian, depositaire, Catherine Marcade, bourciere.
XCIX, 268, vente, 9 April 1676, Mlle de Guise to Mre Gaspard de Ponts, sr de Rempom Massige etc, and Antoinette Almont, his wife, living at Rocherpais in Champagne. She sells them the terres de Roches Cultou and Betincourt au val de Rognon, belonging to the inheritance of late Alencon per an exchange with King of souveraineté of Chasteauregnant, "qui estoit à la Maison de Guise," for the terres of Roches, Culton and Betincourt, for 14,000 lt. And also, dated 18 May 1676 (in this same liasse) an état des pieces submitted by Mme Ramepont
XCIX, 268, quittance, 10 April 1676, Barthelemy de Montclergeon, citoyen et habitant de la ville d'Avignon and Mlle de Guise, re something involving her father, a debt to Charles de Gratian of Marseilles, which Montclergeon took over.
XCIX, 268, obligation, 10 April 1676, Mlle de Guise and Edme Chalgrain, priest, principal du logis de d'Habaut [?] dit de l'Ave Maria, "fondée en l'université de Paris, paroisse St. Etienne du Mont, the sum of 17,000 lt "pour cause de vray et loyal prest d'argent fait par ledit creancier à S.A. pour l'employ à l'effet cy apres declaré", which is to pay off the 31,072 lt she owes as heir of Alencon... and the money she must pay to Bartelemy de Montclergeon of Avignon....
XCIX, 268, procuration, 17 April 1676, Mlle de Guise to Jean Coquille, to represent her in the duchy of Guise.
XCIX, 268, delaissement, 29 April 1676, Mlle de Guise, "laquelle a reconnu ... avoir volontairement quitté et délaissé aux R.P. religieux ... du monastere royal des Feuillans, rue St. Honoré" all her rights on the chapel of Ste Anne, "qui est la seconde de l'Eglise dudict monastere à compter depuis le grand autel en descendant à la porte de leur eglise, du coté du midy et à la main droicte en entrant en icelle, et attenant et joignant la chapelle de Mme la princesse de Guimené, à elle appartenant tant comme heretiere par moitié ... of Duke Henry... and his heirs... and of her father, "qui a succedé à deffuncte Mme la princesse de Conty, sa soeur, à laquelle dame lesd. religieux feuillan delaiserent ladite chapelle de Ste Anne suivant l'acte de leur chapitre du 5 Aug 1610... ce present delaissement faict moyennant la somme de troi mil livres.... ... laquelle somme de trois mil livres a declairé employer avec autres ses deniers à la decoration ornement et embelissement d'une chapelle qu'elle faicte faire dans l'Esglise de la Mercy proche l'hostel de Guise de cette ville.... [This act reveals the exact month and year when her new chapel at the Mercy was being decorated].
XCIX, 268, quittance, 2 May 1676, J. B. Cressé, secretaire du roy and Catherine Rebours, his wife, rue St. Antoine, paroisse St. Gervais, heirs of late Jean Rebours, marchand drappier de Paris and Anne Cardinal his wife, and Mlle de Guise.... 3,000 lt, which were owed them by Duke Henry from the 1640s,
XCIX, 268, obligation, 2 May 1676, Mlle de Guise and Antoine Girval, sr de Vigan, demeurant hotel de Conty, the sum of 3000 lt loaned to her... to supply funds for the Rebours-Cressé payment
XCIX, 268, quittance, 28 May 1676, Gabriel Coustard and Claude de Berny, marchand drapier en compagnie, bourgeois de Paris, rue St Honoré, and Mlle de Guise, who pays them 11,850 lt owed, without clear specification why.
XCIX, 268, procuration., 16 June 1676, Mlle de Guise names François Thieriot, bailly de St. Liniere, to handle her affairs at Joinville, Eclaron, etc.
XCIX, 268, compte et quittance, 23 June 1676, Mlle de Guise and Francois Moricet [Morisset], sr de la Cour, cy devant fermier general des baronnies d'Esclaron, Roches and Ancerville, living in Paris, rue neuve, paroisse St. Eustache, he owes her 5,501 lt.
XCIX, 270, transaction, 10 November 1676, Mlle de Guise and Jean Dorbay, me mason... at hotel de Guise of Versailles... re dommages due and contestations...
XCIX, 270, quittance et constitution, 17 November 1676, Mlle de Guise to Louis Aubert, marchand apoticaire, epicier, bourgeois de Paris of rue St Martin, paroisse St. Merry, who is owed money from late Duke Henry, 1661 for medicines furnished.
XCIX, 270, quittance et constitution, 3 December 1676, Mlle de Guise and noble homme Claude Du Fresne, the late Duke Henry's doctor, who is owed 5700 lt for 10 années de gages, at 600 lt per year, 406 lt for 5 month of "nourriture et subsistance'" at 93 lt per month ... All of this determined not by notarial contract but by the "etat de sa maison" of specific date, 1659... [Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s wages and board would have been treated in a similar way, hence no notarial acts involving him and Mlle de Guise] . etc..., plus interest and dommages... 11,640 lt in all..
XCIX, 270, obligation, 10 December 1676, Mlle de Guise to Jean Husson, secretaire du roy, rue des vieilles Audriettes.... 16528 lt on a loan to be reimbursed within 6 months... She will use it to pay the principal and interest due to the Messieurs du seminaire de St. Nicolas du Charonnet, per transport from Mre Abraham du Soul, priest, son of Me Abraham du Soul, procureur in Parlement, who were owed money by late Duke Henry for "sallaires et vacations"...
XCIX, 270, quittance, 11 December 1676, Nicolas Thiery, superior of seminary of St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, Michel Chamillard, assistant, and Jean de Beauvais, also assistant, ayant droit par transport... de Abraham de Soul, priest in the seminary... have recd. from Mlle de Guise 16528 lt.
XCIX, 270, declaration, 12 December 1676, Marie Bonneau ... de Miramion... demeurant quay de la Tournelle... "a reconnu et déclaré que les 500 de rente contituez à son proffit par Mlle de Guise" ... by a contract passed today before Bouret... belong to St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, lesquels ont fourny de leurs deniers les 10,000 lt payez à Mlle de Guise pour le prix de lad constitution, à laquelle elle ne pretend aucune chose. So she cedes the rente on that sum to the seminary....
XCIX, 270, constitution, 12 December 1676, Mlle de Guise gives Mme de Miramion a rente perpetuelle of 500 lt in return for the sum of 10,000 that Miramion gives her.
XCIX, 270, constitution, 12 December 1676, Mlle de Guise to Nicolas Auguste de Harlay de Bonneval, coner du roy, maitre des requetes, living grande rue St. Louis, paroisse St. Gervais, 1000 lt of rente (to be paid from income of her lands) in return for 20,000 lt. Note in margin: the rente was redeemed by Mlle de Guise 23 July 1681, with a subrogation au proffit de Charles Benoise, coner du roy....
XCIX, 270 quittance, 16 December 1676, Charlotte Boucher, wife of Claude Triboil, sr de la Roche, lieutenant des chasses et plaisirs de SAR au duché d'Orleans, usually living at Orleans, who formerly was married to Claude Merlu, apoticaire du roy.... daughter of Jean Boucher, marchand boulanger de Paris and Judith Dupont , who acknowledges she had received 919 lt due by the estate of late Duke Henry for bread supplied to the household of his father, Charles de Lorraine!
XCIX, 271, Quittance and constitution, 1 January 1677, Mlle de Guise to Guillaume Presidy, chirurgien à Paris, also surgeon of late ducs of Guise and Alencon, demeurant in hotel de Guise. He says the estates owe him; 6500 lt pour pensemen et medicament par luy faits et fournis pour les domestiques de feu Louis Joseph de Guise, 1 Jan. 1665 to 30 July 1671; et aussy pour les domestiques de Mme de Guise, 15 May 1667, jour de son mariage, to 30 July 1671, qui est à raison de 1000 lt per year according to agreement of 10 Apr 1673. Plus the sum of 3000 lt dont il luy a esté fait don, according to the 5th article of the etat de recompences ordonnées estre payée aux domestique de feu Louis Joseph,... signed by the two women and Colbert... He also supplied medicines and pansemens for the personne de feu SA of Alencon and for his domestics, 500 lt. In all, he wants 10,500 lt., which he gets part in cash and part as a 500 lt per year rente.
XCIX, 271, procuration, 31 January 1677, Mlle de Guise to François de Verton, avocat in Parlement, lieutenant general des eaux et forets du comté d'Eu, who is to handle the coupe de bois in her terre of Ault.
XCIX, 271, quittance, 16 Feb 1677, Pierre Hardy, bourgeois de Paris, rue Beaubourg, and Anne Rebours his wife, dtr of jean Rebours, drapier, etc.... 5600 lt.
XCIX, 271, procuration, 28 February 1677, Mlle de Guise to Paul Godquin, lieutenant de la chastelannie of Ault, to straighten out problems and sue people if necessary.
XCIX, 271, quittance, 5 March 1677, Mlle de Guise and Claude Gerard, president in the election of Vitry le Francois, lieutenant particulier in bailliage of St Dizier, represented by Charles Jannot, bourgeois de Paris, re the right of charroy u [??] d'avenage in the seigneurie of Villier aux Bois, near Joinville.
XCIX, 271, transaction, 20 March 1677, Mlle de Guise and Charles de Thoisy, sgr de Thiblemont and Henriette de Thomassin his wife, living at chateau de Donjeux in Champagne, heirs of Nicola Thomassin, dr [??] de Donjeux; and the prior of the abbey of St. Urbain. Problems with some nuns at Joinville, Guise properties and rights at Donjeux, .. Very thick and very complicated.
XCIX, 271, quittance, 31 March 1677, Pierre L'hermite, marchand, bourgeois de Paris, rue au Fere, paroisse St. Eustache and Mlle de Guise, 1173 lt, involving the principality of Joinville
XCIX, 271, quittance, 31 March 1677, Charles Tronson, coner du roy, Louis Tronson, superior of seminary of St. Sulpice, Antoine Tronson, coner and aumonier du roy living at seminary, Alexandre Tronson, sgr de Maintenon, Jean Pierre Tronson, sgr de Chenevieres, all living together, rue des 2 Boules, paroisse St.Germain l’Auxerrois.... heirs of Guillaume Tronson de Grandval, their brother, and also of Claude de Seve, widow of Louis Tronson, coner du roy, secretaire de SM and intendant de ses finances... who was the daughter and donataire of Guillaume de Seve, sr de St Jullien, coner du roy in his Conseil d'Etat... who had right (per act before Cartier and Marion, 7 Mar. 1634) ... to money due from Henry de Lorraine... so now Mlle de Guise is paying them 13,074 lt.
XCIX, 272, constitution, 8 April 1677, Mlle de Guise to Thomas Vendosme, marchand de vin and bourgeois de Paris, 200 lt rente for his claims on the estate of late Duke of Guise, on the sum of 4,000 lt due for wine supplied to the ducal household.
XCIX, 272, procuration, 9 April 1677, Mlle de Guise to Jean François Le Brun to collect her income from Rouen
XCIX, 272, quittance et constitution, 13 Apri 1677, Barbe Mollevaut, wife of Robert Loudier, marchand of Paris, vieille rue du Temple, procuratrice for Louli [??] Mollevaut, marchandd at Lubeck, her brother, who were heirs of me Jean Augier, secretary of late Duke Henry per his will of 1636.
XCIX, 272, quittance, 20 April 1677, David Jean Groisy, demeurantt a Dimaurre, near Liesse, and [Pierre] Le Brun, for Mlle de Guise for money owed him by late Duke Henry,
XCIX, 272, quittance, 6 May 1677, Anne Boucher, widow of Me Louis Blavette, fermier general des coches, carosses et messager d'Orleans, of rure St André des Arts, daughter of Judich Dupont and Jean Boucher.... who had supplied bread to house of late Duke Charles.
XCIX, 272, transport, 16 May 1677, involving Jean François Le Brun, Mlle de Guise's treasurer. There is François Le Brun, bourgeois de P, derriere et proche St. Landry, procureur for André Le Brun, demeurant at Crampigny, ps [??] de Ruarge, his father.... and money [??] Jean-François’s father, Pierre Le Brun, had transfered to François and André Le Brun...
XCIX, 272, quittance, 27 May 1677, Mlle de Guise and JB Colbert. She pays him 2698 lt on a rente created by her and Montresor on April 24, 1658...[this is one of the loans to pay off the Grande Mademoiselle.]
XCIX, 272, bail a cens et rente, 25 June 1677, Mlle de Guise to Me J.B. Rodouan, coner du roy and "son" procureur in the eaux and forets of St Dizier... living at Esclaron...a tuillerie... and a "Remise" of same date
XCIX, 272, procuration, 25 June 1677, Mlle de Guise, to settle problem at cathedral of Toulouse involving the Cardinal de Joyeuse.
XCIX, 272, rachapt, 25 June 1677, Mlle de Guise and Carmelites, she pays 34,125 lt to redeem her debt to them.
XCIX, 272, donation, 26 June 1677, Mlle de Guise, "laquelle porté affection pour Demoiselle Louise de Houy, minor daughter of late Pierre de Houy, major de la ville de Quesnoy and Marguerite le Febvre, his widow, makes a donation entre vifs to the girl of 150 lt rente et pension viagere, which the girl will get when she becomes major, starting next Sept... and it will be insinué in Chatelet
XCIX, 273, constitution, 3 July 1677, Mlle de Guise to the grand couvent des Carmelites, 550 lt in rente in return for a loan of 11,000 lt.
XCIX, 273, vente de bois, Mlle de Guise to Claude Jacquinot, demeurant at Montreuil in Champagne and Elisabeth Malnouy his wife, and Jeanne Garnier, widow of Jean Malnouy, me de forge at Montreuil, the coupe of wood in baronnie of Esclaron; and XCIX, 273, transaction with them.
XCIX, 273, procuaration, 30 July 1677, Mlle de Guise to Pierre Thevenot, architect of batimens du roy, auquel elle donne pouvoir ... de se transporter en la ville de Rouen pour faire la visitte de bastimens du seminaire de Joyeuse.... and if he finds urgent repairs are needed, she give him power to order them done.
XCIX, 273, compte et constitution, 1 August 1677, Mlle de Guise to Genevieve Aufroy, widow of Sr Jean de Fourcroy, marchand bourgeois de Paris, rue St. Antoine, paroisse St. Gervais, for money that Duke Henry owed their parents.
XCIX, 273, quittance, Jean Certelet l'ainé, marchand boucher, who receives from Mlle de Guise 1953 lt owed by late Duke Henry
XCIX, 273, don to Montmartre, 12 August 1677, by Mlle de Guise.... "en consideration de la profession qui a esté faicte depuis peu en l'abbaye de Montmartre par Mademoiselle Marie Anne de Lorraine d'Harcourt, fille de Monsieur le comte d'Harcourt," she makes a donation entre vifs pur et simple of 1000 lt rente, to follow Mlle Harcourt to any house she should move to... [Harcourt eventually becomes abbess of Montmartre]
XCIX, 273, procuration, 16 August 1677, Mlle de Guise to Jean François Le Brun to receive the deniers due her in Languedoc.
XCIX, 273, transport, 20 August 1677, Mlle de Guise to Mme de Montmartre, the sum of 1272 lt due Mlle de Guise, adjudged to her against Dame Charlotte de la Marche ce [??] Comtes, widow of Louis de Chavagnac...to do what she wishes with the money
XCIX, 273, transaction, 11 September 1677, Mlle de Guise and Genevieve Robbe, widow of Me Gerard Benoit, tresorier of the house of Guise (Henry) formerly widow of Claude Mallet, chef d'office of Duke Henry's household, living usually at Ozoy la Feriere en Brie.... a very thick and complex settlement of debts.
XCIX, 273, titre nouvel, 14 September 1677, Mlle de Guise to Me Charles Michault de la Verine, priest, brother of Louis Michel de la Verine, de Lechelle... 19,000 lt that the duke of Guise owed to Leschelle.
XCIX, 273, transation, 16 September 1677, Mlle de Guise and Elisabeth de Haste, wife of Pierre Domino, sieur du Mesnil, gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre du roi, and Madelaine de Cauchon, widow of Henry de Thomassin de Donjeux.... re money claimed from late Louis Joseph de Guise in 1670. It's not clear why the debt existed.
XCIX, 273, transaction, 24 September 1677, Mlle de Guise and Eustache de St. Yon, bourgeois de Paris, rue des 4 Fils, due from the etate of late Duke Henry, for appointements as secretary.... again, a reference to the houehold état in the Guise business papers (a good explanation of why these états were kept and are referred to in Le Brun’s estate).
XCIX, 278, donation entre vifs, 16 December 1678: Mlle de Guise "pour la bonne affection qu'elle porte à Charles Du Perrier, ecuier, filleul de feu S.A. mgr Charles de Lorraine [her father]..., demeurant au Grand Cul de Sac de la rue Beaubourg, gives him 300 lt rente and pension for his life.
XCIX, 278, donation, 31 December 1678, Mlle de Guise to Soeur Vicitime de la Misericorde, of the house of N.D. de la Misericorde, faubourg St. Germain des Pres, .. gives her, "pour ses besoings particuliers attendu ses infirmitez" .... 200 lt per year.
XCIX, 279, procuration, 5 January 1679, Mlle de Guise (who still is Dame de Montresor), re property at Montresor... to "blank"
XCIX, 279, rachapt, 6 January 1679, Claude Noblet, maitre sellier and Cath Balin his wife, heir of Clement Balin and Anne Germain, parents... receive from Mlle de Guise 420 lt on a rente of 80 lt created for late Clement Balin in 1675
XCIX, 279, creation de pension, 26 January 1679, Mlle de Guise, "laquelle pour l'amitié et bonne volonté qu'elle a pour soeur Marie de la Passion, nommée dans le monde Catherine Georges, à present novice en l'abbaye de Montmartre" .... gives her a pension, "pouveu qu'elle fasse profession" at Montmartre... of 300 lt... passé à la grande grille et parloir of the abbey.
XCIX, 281, rachapt, 6 July 1679, François Le Boultz, coner du roy and commissaire au requetes du palais + Anne Dupont, who is heir of her mother, Marie Chouart, wife of Charles Dupont, sgr d'Aubevois... and Mlle de Guise, the sum of 11, 091 lt due Chouart by Mlle de Guise and the Grande Mademoiselle per a rente from 1660
XCIX, 281, transaction, 7 July 1679, Mlle de Guise and Claude Senechal, me sellier of rue de Richelieu, who claims 1327 lt for saddle and equipage he supplied to late Duke Henry...
XCIX, 281, quittance, 7 September 1679, Mlle de Guise to Marguerite Roullié, widow of Mre Nicolas Ladvocat, coner du roy, maitre des comptes, Antoine Ladvocat, maitre ès requetes, Simon Arnauld de Pomponne + Catherine Ladvocat, Jacques Ladvocat... etc, etc, 30,720 lt! all from the loans of her late brother Duke Henry.
XCIX, 281, quittance, 7 September 1679, Mlle de Guise, who receives from Me Claude Garrot, receveur de consignation du Palais.. and all sorts of other people for something surely quite minor.
XCIX, 281, transaction, 14 September 1679, Mlle de Guise and Jean Le Boiteulx, coner du roi, receveur et payeur des rentes de l'hotel de ville, and several other Boilteulx, ,.. se faisant fort de Ambroise Buisson, huissier de chambre de feu SAR the dowager [of Orleans] + Marie Salmont, a niece of a Leboiteulx, ... and dozens more, or so it seems, all claiming their share of 9000 lt owed an ancestor by Duke Henry.
XCIX, 281, quittance, 16 September 1679, Mlle de Guise and Nicolas Brigand, chef d'office of "sadite altesse," heir of Toussaint Brigand, or of Ciro Briand, marchand linger and who was owed money by Duke Henry back in the 1640s for linen supplied; 9119 lt.
XCIX, 281, marché, 18 September 1679, Mlle de Guise and Pierre Michel, marchand de bois of Paris, to buy oak trees (172 of them) from Eclaron....
XCIX, 281, procuration, 19 September, 1679, Mlle de Guise to Louis Christophe de Roquette [her intendant] to "se transporter dans le duché de Guise, terre et lieux dependans, principauté de Joinville and baronnies of Esclaron," etc... and Ancerville..."pour examiner la conduitte des officiers, leur faire rendre compte de leur administration et maniment, veoir, arrester debatre et allouer les ecomptes en tout ou partie, recevoir ce qui sera par eux deub et par tous autres redevables" .... and do any lawsuits required, arrange for coupe de bois... etc...
XCIX, 281, quittance, 29 September 1679, Mlle de Guise to Charles Frizon, ecuyer, rue de Marelles, valet de chambre du roi... for merchandise sold to Duke Henry in the 1660s
XCIX, 281, transaction, 30 September 1679, Mlle de Guise and R.P. Cesar Pallu, Jesuit, procureur for the province of France,... and Louis Voisin, etc. (see the next liasse......) "Disant que... Cardinal de Joyeuse her great uncle per his will of 1615 founded a seminary at Rouen to be directed by the Jesuits. to be carried out by his daughter, Mme [Catherine-Henriette] de Guise. She did this in 1617. Money was used to buy buildings, through Michel Sarrus, coner in Parlement: 96,000 lt for the seminary and 4800 lt pour servir à sa subsistance. Various details about how the Jesuits managed the money and shifted it about a bit from one city to another for their schools. Sarrus ended up owing Guises some 3000 lt of rente. Henry's succession is involved here too. And, because he didn't pay what he was supposed to pay to the seminary, "il n'y a pa eu audit seminaire la moitié du nombre de seminaristes porté par la fondation et mesme souvent beaucoup audesous de la moytié. " So the Seminary was in the red. Pallu claimed that the "caducité des batiments... menacoient ruine" ... so 22,800 lt went to it repair. and also claimed that the foundation itself was not being paid, not just the amount that was to go for students. So, the Jesuits wants the 22800 lt to go for the arrerages, and then there is the amount of 10,800 lt, to which Mlle de Guise will add 1200 lt ("S.A. veult bien adjouster...") ... for a total of 12,000 lt that will go for "tant aux reparations des anciens bastimens qu'à la construction des nouveaux qu'il convient de faire pour la commodité du logement des seminaristes et la plus grande solidité de l'establissement dudit seminaire"... and which Mlle de Guise has a signed copy of. The Jesuists promise to do the the work as quickly as possible: "'poura SA faire veoir et visiter lesdits batiens quant et ainsy qu'elle le jugera à propos pour y connoistre sy ledit plan aura esté suivy..." Allusion to an act signed at hotel de Guise 30 Sept. 1669, before Prieur and Bouret. [Louis Voisin, SJ, is the brother-in-law of Marie Talon-Voisin, friend of the Charpentier family.]
XCIX, 282, [A document that should be in liasse 281 because it is for 30 September 1679. I am going to restore it to the correct liasse per authorization of CARAN]: constitution, 30 September 1679, Mlle de Guise to Me Michel Routier, coner du roy, receveur general et payeur de rentes de l'hotel de ville, rue Goeffroy Lasnier, 600 lt per year on the sum of 12,000 lt.
XCIX, 283, quittance, 15 November 1679, Marie d'Orleans, duchess de Nemours, demeurant à l'hotel de Soissons and Mlle de Guise. Mlle de Guise reimburses the sum of 21,500 lt she was supposed to pay in June 1665 because Mme de Nemour was the heir of late Duke Henry of Guise.
XCIX, 283, bail, 29 November 1679, Mlle de Guis eto Pierre Prestamoine, bourgeois de Paris, rue St. Martin , paroisse St. Nicolas des Champs, for the revenus of the baronnies of Roquemaurs and Orgon... the coupe du bois de Clary.... etc..; and also Cautionnement of same date, with Borthon as her caution.
XCIX, 283, rachapt, 14 December 1679, Anne Baslin, widow of Thimotée de Montbalié, dit La Salle, and Claude Noblot, sellier and Catherin Baslin his wife, finally get the 800 lt owed them by Duke Henry's estate.
XCIX, 283, compromis, 15 December 1679, Mlle de Guise and Charles Sebire, sieur de Boislabbé, curateur of the property of Mme Marie Françoise de Vallois, widow of late Duke of Joyeuse [Louis-Joseph’s parents], living rue des fossés, paroisse St. Cosme... Their arbiters will be "Mr Voisin et d'Argouges, coner ordinaire, du roy en ses conseils d'état et privé" [he is not one of the Charpentier family friends!] Her procureur in Parlement was François Secousse. The affair is still not settled in April 1680.
XCIX, 283, donation de pension, 28 December 1679 Mlle de Guise , "laquelle pour l'affection et bonne volonté qu'elle a pour la soeur des Saincts Martires, nommé dans le monde Marie Naudot, professe en l'abbaye royalle de Montmartre, il y a cinq à six années, et qui a esté cy devant à son service".... gives her a pension of 300 lt per year... [Marie Naudot/Nodot, according to reliable sources, was Mlle de Guise’s daughter by Montrésor.]
XCIX, 283, constitution and rachapt, 30 December 1679, Mlle de Guise, and R.P. César Pallu, prestre, religieux de la compagnie de Jesus, procureur de la province de France, at maison professe of Paris, au nom et se faisant fort de R.P. Louis Voisin, recteur of the college at Rouen, superieur of the seminary of Joyeuse , and R.P. Antoine Bannilliere, principal of the seminary.... She has paid Pallu 12,000 lt that had been furnished her by Me Michel Routier, receveur of hotel de ville of Paris in return for a rente of 600 lt per year. Pallu promises to use the money to be a 'heritage ou rente" to increase the seminary's income (and to show her the contract of purchase!) Pallu has stated that the 12,000 lt was used for "quelques besoins pressants de leur société and they couldn't use them for Rouen. So he is giving Mlle de Guise 12,000 lt so she can create a rente herself for the seminary.... which she does. [See above, XCIX, 281, transaction, 30 September 1679]