In these acts we see Mlle de Guise heeding the advice of Christophle Roquette, her intendant: quietly pay off the debts of the House of Guise, in order to prepare her succession (which involved disinherting her niece, the Grande Mademoiselle). We also watch her creating pensions for people who were dear to her, some of them servants or nuns, and one of them her own nun-daughter. The notarial documents for Mlle de Guise's estate are too copious to reproduce here.
XCIX, 285, quittance, 16 July 1680, Mlle de Guise, for 7711 lt.. restant du principal et arrerages de la rente qui estoit deue à Mons Colbert par la Maison de Guise JB Colbert and Mlle de Guise, who pays him for the rente she and Montresor created for him before Notary Le Moyne, 4 Apr. 1658... and any arrerages, etc.
XCIX, 285, transaction, 19 July 1680, Mlle de Guise and Nicolas Desmonts, priest chanoine at Laon... for Estrées, bis [??] of Laon... re arrerages on a foundation to the cathedral from time of Duke Henry...
XCIX, 285, procuration, 26 July 1680, Mlle de Guise to Jean Ponthier, avocat in Parlement, to handle her affairs in duchy of Joyeuse...
XCIX, 285, transport, 16 August 1680: note that is says here that when Henriette de Lorraine de Chevreuse, abbesse of Jouarre, came to Paris, she lodged at Port Royal de Paris! [Note, per this liasse, she was still in Paris in mid-Sept... so she may well have gone back to Jouarre with Mlle de Guise during the princess’s progress through Champagne with her sister the Abbess of Montmartre and M. Du Bois and his musicians.]
XCIX, 285, traité, 13 Septembre 1680, Gabriel Roquette bishop of Autun, living rue neuve St Merry, and Bertrand de Senaux, chanoine of Autun... and Louis Tronson, superior of Seminary of St. Sulpice, ... re the seminary that Autun began to organize after he became bishop... He now wants to make it "stable' and lasting," so he calls upon St Sulpice to help him. It is described as being similar to what was done in Poitiers and the term "Union" is used several times. Seminarists will use the breviary of the diocese of Autun
XCIX, 285, procuration, 27 September 1680, Mlle de Guise to Jean François Le Brun, to collect money from Ponthieu
XCIX, 285, quittance, 28 September 1680, Jean Le Touzé, bourgeois de Paris, rue de la Tisanderie, and Marie Le Beuf, widow of Pierre Longre, who received d from Mlle de Guise 1100 lt due from late Duke Louis-Joseph, for things furnished for the marriage in November 1667
XCIX, 285, transaction and constitution, 28 Septembre 1680, Mlle de Guise and Marie Andry, widow of Nicolas Trotant, marchand bourgeois de Paris, and Jean Thibault, also marchand bourgeois de Paris, re debts of Duke Henry
XCIX, 289, traité, 24 September 1681, Mlle de Guise and Daniel de la Fontaine, exempt de la connestablie, living ordinairement à Caen... Fontaine knows that there is money due Mlle de Guise: "beaucoup de droits casuel cachez et recelez dans l'etendue des domaines de Caen, Bayeux et Falaise échus pendant le temps qu'il a esté engagiste"; that late Augustin des Longchamps had "entrepris le recouvrement" of these sums but didn’t complete the job, and his heirs are not cooperating. So she gives her procuration to Fontaines to carry on the work. Also involved (Mlle de Guise paid him some money) was Me Guillaume le Verrier, procureur en la cour.
XCIX, 289, quittance, 19 September 1681, Antoinette Millet, wife of François Ricouart, sgr de la Grave, lieutenant du roy in gouvernement of Mouzon , demeurant rue Ste Avoye, receives from Mlle de Guise 2152 lt due her, .. for that amount, which Millet loaned to Louise Sassin, wife of sieur Cousin de Senonville and to the Sieur de la Grave, for the purpose mentioned in the promesse of 13 Mar. 1681... which is in the possession of her treasurer, Jean François Le Brun. Mlle de Guise owed Grave 4312 lt.per a mandement involving Joinville to Sr Thieriot.
XCIX, 289, creation of pension, 27 September 1681, Mlle de Guise for Soeur Louise Gabrielle de lEnfant Jesus, nommée dan le monde Louise Gabrielle de Chabannes, novice at Montmartre, from esteem for her sister the Abbesse, she gives pension of 300 lt
XCIX, 289, traité d'office, 3 October 1681, Christophle de Roquette [Mlle de Guise’s intendant, and the bishop’s brother], coner du Roy, maitre honorraire de la chambre des comptes, and Marie Souchay his wife, and Elisabeth Souchay, widow of Jacques de Riverain, living on rue neuve des Petits Champs, paroisse St. Roch, daughters of late Me Nicolas Souchay, coner du roy and procureur in bailliage... etc of Tours, who sell the office of receveur genernal de finances en Touraine to Nicolas Mailly, Parisien. Philipppe Gourdan was going to be "pourveu de ces offices"... per Bouret, 22 Jan. 1681 and made down-payment; but he has resigned, so it is for sale for 56,000 lt.
XCIX, 289, constitution, 4 October 1681, Mlle de Guise to François d'Argouges, coner du roy,... 10,000 lt rente on a loan of 200,000 to "employer au payement en argent de antiennes debtes de sa maison." and the duchy of Guise is her collateral.
XCIX, 289, transport, 31 October 1681, Mlle de Guise and François Thieriot, former receveur of Joinville of the sum of 1650 lt due Philippe Lepage and Charlotte Bron, remaining on money due them at Joinville,
XCIX, 289, transaction, 29 November 1681, Mlle de Guise and Anne de la Rue, widow of Jean Lyerre, marchand, bourgeois de Paris, ... whose procureur was Louis Berthelin, also creditor of the Guises. .. back to the 1650s,
XCIX, 289, procuration, 24 December 1681, Mlle de Guise to Daniel de la Fontaine of Caen
XCIX, 289, certificat, 29 December 1681, Christophle de Roquette and Jean François Le Brun and Gourdon state that late little Alençon and his mother "a laissé pour seulle et unique heritiere Marie de Lorraine, sa grande tante ...." And another act on same date with the same people, who declare that late Alençon was the heir of the various Guises, and in which proportion.
XCIX, 289, rachapt, 31 December 1681, Françoise Catinat, widow of Me Claude Pucelle, formerly avocat of Parlement, from Mlle de Guise, a rente created by her and Montresor to pay the Grande Mademoiselle.
XCIX, 289, remboursement, 31 December 1681, Mlle de Guise, heir of all those Guises and of Alencon, "ayant les droitz ceddez du tres haute SAR Elisabeth, Alençon's heir, has passed this quittance with the Grande Mademoiselle, heir to 1/3 of late Duke Henry's estate, 73,125 lt, to redeem rentes to her; and a rente is reimbursed that was created by the late Cardinal Charles de Lorraine May 1568.
XCIX, 292, donation de pension, 28 July 1682, Mlle de Guise to Marguerite de Mornay, chanoinesse-comtesse de l'abbaye de Remiremont, currently in Paris, lodged, rue des 4 Fils, "accorde par gratiffication à ladite dame... en consideration de son merite et de sa vertue cogneu de sadite Altese durant un longtemps qu'elle a esté une de ses filles d'honneur," ... a rente of 300 lt.
XCIX, 292, procuration, 31 July 1682, Mlle de Guise to Simon Bault, sieur de St Liger, l'un des gentilshommes de sa maison... to go to Joinville on her behalf.
XCIX, 292, transaction, 1 August 1682, Mlle de Guise and the nuns of Valdonne, priory near Joinville, re a suit between late Duke Charles [her father] and the convent dating back to 1629. The nuns have not wanted to sue her, "à cause du profond respect qu'elles ont pour Son Altesse comme ayant succedé aux fondations dudit prieuré... " . She agrees to pay them a rente of 200 lt per year
XCIX, 292, fondation, 3 August 1682, Mlle de Guise to Montmartre, "disant S.A. Mlle de Guise qu'a l'exemple de ses illustres ancestres touchée de l'honneur et gloire de Dieu et pour s'atirer les effectz de sa misericorde pour la remision de ses faultes, mesmes à l'intention et par le remede des ames de deffunctz Monseigner et Madame son pere et mere et ses autres parens, qu'elle espere obtenir par les intercessions de la bien heureuse Vierge Marie et de St. Joseph, elle a faict desseing de fonder à perpetuité une messe basse par chacun jour qui sera dict et celebré en l'eglise des Sts Martires, et en ayant fait la proposition" to Mme de Montmartre, and to the other nuns, it is agreed that in one of the chapels of that church there will be a messe basse "en une chapelle que designera Madame l'Abbessse, en honneur de la tres saincte Trinité et de la saincte famille de Jesu pour laquelle S.A. Mlle de Guise a une particuliere devotion, à l'intention de SA et des princes et princesses de sa maison, pour celebrer laquelle messe S.A. Mlle de Guise a nommé et choisy la personne de Mre Hubert Meusnier, pretre de la diocese de Chalons, demeurant dans abbey of Montmartre... The mass will be said every day, and no priest can take his place, even if he is sick or absent, etc. (though he can personally appoint a substitute) ...lequel choix de la personne dudit Sr Meusnier S.A. Mlle de Guise a aussi faict en consideration de ce qu'il y a plus de cent années que son pere ayeul et autres parens sont à son service et de ses predecesseurs. The mass will begin tomorrow... and she will pay a rente of 400 lt to Meusnier and 300 lt for his expenses, and the abbey will feed and lodge him but no longer have to pay him the 200 lt pension they had agreed to in past. Per annexed declaration, Meusnier was also sacristain.
XCIX, 292, decharge, 12 August 1682, Mlle de Guise and Marguerite Rouillé, widow of Nicolas L'avocat, maitre des comptes..., back into the 1670s
XCIX, 292, reconnaissance, 19 August 1682, Mlle de Guise and Robert Lay, marchand bourgeois de Paris, rue de la Verrerie, involving a forge in the Champagne area
XCIX, 292, quittance, 28 August 1682, Mlle de Guise: 37,647 lt are in the hands of François Forcadel, sr de Blaru, commissaire general aux saisies reelles, from the saisi on the prince de Chimay, and she has been paid 15,059 lt of that total... as heir of Alençon , for terre of Avesnes (this is the agreement she had with Grande Mademoiselle in other act, above... XCIX, 289, remboursement, 31 December 1681) And a quittance for 2,000 lt to Forcoal. and another for 14,480 lt.
XCIX, 292, quittance, 22 Septeber 1682, Mathurin Jeanson, sr de Neufbourg, has received 1600 lt in a mandement to collect from Hourlier, receveur of duchy of Guise, per sentence of Chatelet of 1668 involving money due Elis Dandeau, widow of Edme Jeanson,
XCIX, 292, quittance, 24 September 1682, Jean de Longueuil, mar [??] de maisons, receives 11, 663 lt due him from Mlle de Guise... obviously in payment of another old debt.
XCIX, 292, procuration, 29 September 1682, Mlle de Guise to Christophle Roquette, her intendant, to go to Guise and Marchais and whip things into shape. A similar procuration of same date for Joinville [This is the trip he has left record of and where he advises Mlle de Guise to pay her outstanding debts as quickly as possible: in the archives of the Royal Foundation of Saint Louis]
LXXV, 218, sentence arbitrale, 28 May 1683 , re Hugues Cousin de Sermaille and Philippes Riquier, tuteur of some Cousin children by Cousin's late wife, Anne Emblard... re the navigation of the Oise and costs disputed with Mlle de Guise And another of June 8: an expert has been named
XCIX, 297, compte et desistement, 12 April 1684, Mlle de Guise comtesse de Montresor, and Etienne Dupont, fermier of the comté of Montresor and Louis Dupont his brother: it turns out that they owe her 11,140 lt... so now they are going to have their work inspected, and so agree.
XCIX, 297, bail, April 1684, Mlle de Guise to Philippe Gudevert, marchand at Guise, for the banal mills of Guise... etc
XCIX, 297, quittance, 29 April 1684, Mlle de Guise and Mr de Bercy, maitre des requets of the prince de Chimay, ... involves Forcadel.
XCIX, 297, quittance, 16 May 1684, Thomas Vandosme, marchand de vin, bourgeois de Paris, 4,000 lt due him from Duke Henry's estate... [if I recall correctly, it involved Henry]
XCIX, 297, quittance, 20 June 1684, Mlle de Guise and Leonor Aubry, coner, secretaire du roy, lieutenant general criminel at siege presidial of Tours, for the 1500 lt she owes him on the lods and ventes of Touraine,
XCIX, 297, transaction, 1 July 1684, Mlle de Guise and Pierre de Maillot, priest in parish of St. Brice de Pencey, re a lawsuit in bailliage of Chaumont...
XCIX, 297, donation of pension, 1 July 1684, to Henry Auguste Louis de Roquette, the son of her intendant. "Voulant seconder les intentions qu'il tesmoigne avoir de s'engager dans l'etat ecclesiastique, etant persuadée que c'est un bon sujet et capable d'y rendre service, Sadite Altesse pour luy servir de titre presbiterial... gives him a pension of 500 lt.
XCIX, 297, transaction, 6 July 1684, Mlle de Guise and Judich Depons, fille, demeurant Place Royale... who, in 1655, according to a complaint lodged by Duke Henry, had committed a "soustraction de pluieurs meubles precieux de valleur de plus de trois cent mil livres. [Judich de Pons was Duke Henry’s amourette!] He informed the Grande Chambre. During his lifetime she caused no troubles, but now, she has begun a lawsuit for 150,000 lt, "sous pretexte d'un contrat de mariage passé entre led seigneur et elle 5 August 1653 before Guyon and his colleague, at the Chatelet. SA Mlle de Guise having "fait joindre ce proces à celuy de ladite restitution de meuble, ladite demoiselle Depons les auroit depuis fait domages et interest de part et d'autre." To calm it down, and "en consideration de la naissance de laddite demoiselle de Pons," Mlle de Guise is paying her 7,000 lt, "qu'elle luy a tesmoigné avoir besoin pour le bien de ses affaires" ... and she claims to be satisfied. Plus an annual pension of 1000 lt.
XCIX, transaction, 20 July 1684, Mlle de Guise and Anne Descamin, widow of Pierre d'Augustin (and then of Jean Dumaitz, of cour des aides)... 2,006 lt, for debt going way back to the 1630s.
XCIX, 297, transaction, 12 July 1684, Mlle de Guise and Louis Martin, bourgeois de Paris, vieille rue du Temple, having rights by a transport before Bouret, 25 July 1675, on Jean Pinguet, coner du Ry... and of Marie Eue, widow of Nicolas Canu and Elis Eue, her sister, children of Jean Eue, maitre boulanger,... .... debts due by Duke Henry in the 1640s.
XCIX, 297, transaction, 12 July 1684, Mlle de Guise and Philippe Goibault seigneur du Bois la Grugere, living in Paris "vieille rue du Temple" [does this mean that Goibault’s – and Charpentier’s – entered by the door to the stable area, rather than by the Porte Clisson?] who has the rights of Nicolas Grosseteste, coner du roy, controlleur des guerres... because he is a creancier of the estate of late Jean Grosseteste... in a debt going back to the 1660s. Mlle de Guise has had her council look at the entire problem, and as a result Du Bois has reduced his claim of 10,000 lt principal plus interest and dommages, to only 10,750 lt, which has been paid him. The debt was incurred by Duke Henry, of course.
XCIX, 299, quittance, 31 January 1685, Antoine Totin, receveur of Mlle de Guise at Marchais and Liesse, staying for the moment at the hotel de Guise, in the name of Catherine Pinchon de la Chapelle, widow of Jehan de Proisy de Morgni, living near Liesse,, and David de Proisy de Goudreville and Marie Therese de Roquemont his wife... heirs of late Marguerite Pinchon de la Chappelle... all creanciers of late Duke Henry, have been paid some 3000 lt.
XCIX, 299, procuration, 28 April 1685, Mlle de Guise to Me Paul Godquin, lieutenant in chatelennie of Ault, to collect her revenues there
XCIX, 299, procuration, 7 May 1685, Mlle de Guise to Philippe Gourdon, ecuuer, coner sececretaire du roy, and secretaire des commandemens of Mlle de Guise, to visit the duchies of Joyeuse and Lambesc and get an accounting from the fermiers, etc.
XCIX, 299, transaction, 1 June 1685, Mlle de Guise and Jean Henry Lejau, seigneur du Coudray, and Marie Anne Angelique de la Gueriniere, his wife, of rue des Mathurins, paroisse St. Severin... heirs of late Etienne de la Gueriniere, their father, coner and maitre d'hotel ordinaire of SAR the Grande Mademoiselle and gentilhomme of late chevalier de Guise, and Anne Poucet, his widow, per transaction before Le Boucher, 10 April 1681, ... Henry owed them 9,900 lt from 1646 (which includes 8000 lt borrowed by Francois Duke of Joinville, in 1638, and 12000 owed by Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse in her husband's name, etc. The estate of Roger [chevalier de Guise] owed them money, so did Henry's
XCIX, 299, quittance, 21 July 1685, Paul Michel Henry de Baux, marquis de Sainte Frique, rue vieille du Temple [it's not the same hand as the Saint-Frique who signs with a fermesse] and Michel Bobi, bourgeois de Paris, have received 1840 lt due them since 1640s by Duke Henry.