Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1671

Choose another year from the "Roman" cahiers

Go to the "French" cahiers

As far as I can deduce, when Charpentier numbered his growing collection of notebooks (perhaps as late as the mid-1680s), the notebook known as "cahier IX" was out of order, having been placed just after cahier VIII. Note also that cahier IX includes works exclusively for the month of December and that he used Jesuit paper for it (as he did for cahiers VI-XI)

Cahier VI

H 158 Laudate Jerusalem (ps. 147) (January 1?) for a large ensemble
daily vespers; little office of the Virgin; Corpus Christi; Circumcision (Jan. 1); Conception (Dec. 8); salut
H 54 Hymne du St Esprit: Veni creator Spiritus (February 8?)
Part of the so-called messe du St. Esprit, sung when a convent or religious organization seeks divine guidance; and also sung at Pentecost. (The name "Beaupuy," the allusion to "Dun" and the indication "son prélude est en cahyer 63" date from the 1690s.)

Cahier IX

H 160 Nisi Dominus (ps. 126) for a large ensemble.
Wednesday vespers; little office of the Virgin; Conception (Dec. 8); Circumcision (Jan. 1); Lent
H 55-57 Pour St. Nicaise de Rouen (December 14)
vespers, matins and lauds, with a text by Father Commire, S.J. (Adapted circa 1690, when the former Guise singer, Anthoine, was at Rouen.) Through her great-uncle, the Cardinal de Joyeuse, Mlle de Guise had a long-standing connection to Rouen, and to the Jesuit college there.
H 313 Pour la Conception de la Vierge  (December 8)
Sung by confraternities of Virgin and, in Jesuit houses, for the vespers of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8): indeed, it appears in the Officium conceptionis BVM immaculata (Rome, 1662).
H 161 Lætatus sum (ps. 121)  (December 8?) for a large ensemble. Tuesday vespers; little office of the Virgin; Conception (Dec. 8); Circumcision (Jan. 1) (The names of "Beaupuy" and "Dun" seem to date from the 1690s.)
H 314 In nativitatem Domini canticum  (December 25)
"motet pour le jour de Noël." Begins with the antiphon for lauds of Christmas day

Missing at end of cahier IX:
allemande grave pour un reposoir; branles pour des violons à 4 parties; several courantes; sarabande espagnole; bourée; menuet; passepied; prelude for the Sacrifice d'Abraham; symphony for 3 violins; Elévation: Dilecte mi.
These missing pieces could conceivably have been written for the first months of 1672.