Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1672

Choose another year from the "Roman" cahiers

Go to the "French" cahiers

Although some of the patrons who commissioned works in 1672 can be guessed (the King, Molière), no evidence links Charpentier to the patrons who commissioned the two masses and the Te Deum. In view of Guise links to the Jesuits and to the Theatines that would become public knowledge only a few years later, these religious houses are likely candidates. I therefore suggest that researchers be alert to references to activities at these two houses that fit this chronology.


Cahiers VI to VIII

H 3 Messe à 8 voix (January 17) for a large ensemble and miscellaneous smaller groups '=
H 236 Elévation: O salutaris hostia
H 283 Domine salvum fac regem
H 524 Offerte pour l'orgue et pour les violons
H 73 Magnificat (for daily vespers)  
H 13 Prose pour le jour de Pâques (April 17, Easter)
H 312 O filii
H 284 Domine salvum fac regem

The missing works at the end of cahier IX
may belong here

Cahiers X and XI

H 145 Te Deum à 8 voix  (June?) for a large ensemble
H 162 Exaudiat à 8 voix
(The allusions to "Dun" and to first and second choirs seem to date from the 1690s)
H 515 Symphonies pour un reposoir (June 16, Corpus Christi)
(To these symphonies should be added the "allemande en a mi la re au cahyer XI," which was lost after the Mémoire of 1727 was drawn up.)

Cahier XV

H 494 La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas and Le Mariage forcé (July 8)
Les Fâcheux (September-October)
(The manuscript is either lost, or else Charpentier did not compose music for these performances as we have thought.)

cahiers XII to XIV

H 4 Messe à 4 chœurs (August 13? or December 6?) for a large ensemble
H 285 Domine salvum fac regem