Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1675

Choose another year from the "Roman" cahiers

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Aside from Circé, I have been unable to identify the individuals or religious establishments that commissioned works from Charpentier during 1675, although the chart of Guise activities suggests a few possibilities. By mid-summer he was apparently working on Mementote peccatores (H. 425) for the Jesuits. The works from the final six months of the year clearly were lost, and the autograph version of Mementote peccatores probably was among them.

Cahiers XVIII and XIX

H 496 Circé  (March 17)
(Probably copied out by January 1675.)
H 167 Quam dilecta (ps. 83) for a large ensemble
daily matins; Holy Sacrament; Transfiguration (Aug. 6); dedication of a church
H 516 Après Confitebor (ps. 110)
Sunday vespers
H 517 Après Beati omnes (ps. 127)
Wednesday vespers; Holy Sacrament; little office of the Virgin; Wednesdays in Lent. (H 516 and H 517 were copied out in the same ink.)
H 425a Prélude pour Mementote peccatores
The prelude of a setting for a text by Father Commire, S.J., which may once have been in cahier XX.