Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1681

Choose another year from the "Roman" cahiers

Go to the "French" cahiers

Pieces for the Dauphin's "Music" are highlighted in purple.

Cahiers XXIX and XXX

H 501 La Pierre philosophale
H 402 Sacrificium Abrahae for a large ensemble
"Son prélude est au cahyer XI (it is in cahier IX!) and "ses simphonies ajustées sont au cahier XVII"
H 178 Beati omnes (ps. 127), for the Dauphin's ensemble
Wednesday vespers; Corpus Christi; little office of the Virgin; Wednesdays in Lent
H 61 Pange Lingua pour des religieuses, pour le Port-Royal
H 502 Endimion, tragédie meslée de musique
H 503 Air pour les paysans dans la Noce de Village au lieu de l'air du marié
H 179 Notus in Judea Deus (ps. 75)  for the Dauphin's ensemble
Thursday matins
H 249 O salutaris hostia
the fifth strophe of Verbum supernum, the hymn of the octave of Corpus Christi