Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1684

Choose another year from the "Roman" cahiers

Go to the "French" cahiers

The sudden decrease in the amount of purple highlighting is surely linked to the fact that Charpentier no longer composed regularly for the Dauphin and  his Music. But, a full year before the Feste de Ruel, did Charpentier receive a commission from the Duke of Richelieu -- performed first at Ruel and later at the royal court?

Cahier XLI

H 481 Actéon: Pastorale en musique (August 29?)
A pastorale with a hunting theme

Cahier XLII

H 256 Elévation à 3 dessus: O clementissime Domine Jesu
For Mlle du Fresnoy, Mere St. Bernard, and Mere Sainte-Agathe of Port-Royal

H 481a Actéon changé en biche  (October-November?)
Revised so that a woman can sing the role of Act

Cahiers XLII to XLIII

H 412 Nuptiae sacrae for the Great Guise Music
"Dialogue et suite du grand motet"
H 334 Motet pour la Vierge
H 257 Elevatio: Gustate et videte quam suavis sum

Cahier XLIV

H 482 Sur la naissance de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ  (December 25) for the Great Guise Music
H 483 Pastorale sur la naissance de NSJC (December 25) for the Great Guise Music