Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The "Roman" cahiers for 1687

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The piece for St Benedict -- doubtlessly commissioned by the new abbess of Montmartre -- provides a clue to just how long it could take nuns to prepare a new motet. During this year of transition from service to the Guises to that of the Jesuits, Charpentier wrote quite a few pieces for the abbey of Port-Royal of Paris, where his sister was a converse nun.

Cahier L, cont.

H 195 Bonum est confiteri Domino (ps. 91) (January 20) for the Great Guise Music
Saturday lauds
H 259 Elévation: Transfige amabilis Jesu

Cahier LI

H 346 Pour le St Sacrement au reposoir (June 5, Corpus Christi) for a large ensemble
"Au reposoir" was added later
H 196 Usquequo Domine (ps. 12) (June 5)
Sunday matins: for the Dauphin's former musicians
H 347 In honorem Sancti Benedicti (December 4)
vespers of the illation of
St Benedict, at Montmartre
H 5 Messe pour le Port-Royal (July 20)
"Pour Ste Marguerite"

Cahiers LII and LIII: missing

Cahier LII may be cahier "d," which contains:
H 419 Pour St Augustin mourant (August 28)
H 50 Antienne pour les vespres de l'Assomption de la Vierge (August 15)
H 51 Pour les mesmes vespres: Antienne (August 15)
H 52 Antienne pour les mesmes vespres (August 15)
H 274 Elévation: O sacramentum pietatis
H 226 Dixit Dominus pour le Port-Royal (ps. 109)
Indications for male voices were added later
H 227 Laudate Dominum omnes gentes pour le Port-Royal (ps. 116)
H 81 Magnificat pour le P[ort-]R[oyal]
For Mlle du Fresnoy, Mere Ste Agathe, Mere de St Bern[ard]
H 420 Dialogus inter angelos et pastores Judae, In nativitatem Domini (December 25) for a large ensemble