Panat in postcardThe Ranums'

Panat Times

Volume 1, redone Dec. 2014


Volume 1


Orest's Pages

Patricia's Musings



Musical Rhetoric

Transcribed Sources


The Hôtel de l'Enfant Jesus, Nicolas de Franqueville, and the Parish of Saint-Sulpice

This Fugitive Piece bears within it a real conundrum!

I have been unable to reconcile two types of evidence about a seventeenth-century elite Parisian "prep school" for boys! One cluster of evidence tells how the Seminary of Saint-Sulpice and Curate Alexandre le Ragois de Bretonvilliers (d. 1676) created and funded the school. The other cluster of evidence shows that the school seems to have been created and funded by a lawyer named Nicolas Le Jeune de Franqueville. (Some forty years later, the school ended up as an urban Saint-Cyr for girls.)

I could not resolve the conundrum, so I am making available the evidence I accumulated, in case someone else can unravel the tangled threads that are part of this Fugitive Piece.

The Fugitive Piece is subdivided into sections, each a separate file:

1: Some 18th-century recollections about the parish of Saint-Sulpice

2: Notarial evidence about Le Jeune and the Hôtel de l'Enfant Jésus

3: The description in the Adjudication of 1732

4: Excerpts from the Inventory of 1720

5: The library of the school

6: Unpaid tuition bills

7: Le Jeune de Franqueville’s publications